
    ChatGPT’s Knowledge Cut-off Date Is Now January 2022

    Posted by Category: ChatGPT

    Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has been making waves across the globe, revolutionizing the way we interact with AI. However, there was one hiccup: its ‘brain’ was, until recently, frozen in time, with knowledge only up until September 2021. It operated like a time capsule, providing answers and information up to that point.

    Finally, almost 10 months post-launch, it’s catching up Read more.

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    7 Steps to Protect Your Business from Cyber Warfare During Ukraine War

    Posted by Category: Data Security

    As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate, cyber warfare has become a key component of the strategy on both sides. Businesses in Ukraine are increasingly at risk of being Read more

    Product Features That Create Great User Onboarding

    Posted by Category: Business Growth, Business Trends

    Have you ever come across an application or software that instantly piqued your interest? Like many, you probably immediately downloaded or tried to access the product. The app’s description, Read more

    How To Create Artificial Intelligence That Your Customers Will Love

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence sounds scary upfront, especially if you don’t know what it actually means. However, artificial intelligence is a key pillar for the optimum digital transformation of your Read more

    WARNING: Your Next Software Product Will Be Totally Ignored. Unless You Do This…

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    A few decades ago, almost all business processes were manual. Financial transactions, sales, employee working hours — you’d keep track of it all the slow, inefficient way. Companies were restricted Read more

    Outsourcing Your Software Development: The Secret To Getting More Bang for Your Buck Without Compromising Quality

    Posted by Category: Software Outsourcing

    When you think about outsourcing your software development needs to offshore talent, the picture in your head is probably less than ideal. It’s either people in anonymous masks and grey hoodies Read more

    How To Hire a Machine Learning Expert With These 5 Tried and Tested Tipss

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence

    Technology has seen many rapid changes over the last decade. Along with these changes, the way people interact with technology and how it affects our lives has changed completely. One of the biggest Read more

    Understanding The Difference Between Wireframes, Mockups, and Prototypes

    Posted by Category:

    Wireframes, mockups, and prototypes are popular terms in the field of user interface and user experience. However, many people still confuse the three software prototypes with one another and aren’t Read more

    How to Build Software UX That Will Make People Salivate Over Your Next Software Project

    Posted by Category:

    Before the digital transformation of the last decade, the internet used to be a different place. It wasn’t as widely used, nor were the websites developed during that time such a breeze to use Read more.

    Artificial Intelligence and the Four Stages of Disruption

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    If you’re new to the world of business or an old player who’s stuck in their ways, you might be feeling nervous with all the talk of AI going around. Well, the bad news is that you should be nervous Read more.

    What Is Data Science? The Opportunity In The Field, and How To Get Started

    Posted by Category: Data Science

    One of the things that has been making quite the buzz in the world of business — and in nonprofit industries too — is artificial intelligence and data science. With various organizations all over the Read more

    The Non-Geek’s Guide To Building A Tech Startup That Sells Big

    Posted by Category: Startup

    We often find tech-oriented people looking for a business-oriented partner for their new start-up, so what is it about a non-tech entrepreneur starting a tech business that seems so scary? Every Read more

    What Every Entrepreneur and CEO Can Learn From The Suez Canal Crisis

    Posted by Category: Business Trends

    The Suez Canal crisis created quite the buzz all over the world. From the memes made to the name ‘Ever Given’ becoming familiar to almost everyone, it’s an event that will surely be remembered for Read more

    How Blockchain Technology and AI Are Changing the World Around Us

    Posted by Category: AI, Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain

    If you run a business or hope to one day, you’re doing something wrong in your research if you don’t know what Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technology are yet. Maybe it sounds like Read more

    Making Money with AI and Machine Learning

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    AI technology has been around for the last six decades, but it’s made remarkable strides especially in the last ten years. You now finally have the technology to utilize machine learning and AI Read more

    Will AI Replace Your Job?

    Posted by Category: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Has it ever crossed your mind that one day, a computer might be replacing you? If you’ve seen and read enough science fiction, then you’re aware of how possible this is right now. An increasing Read more

    Is Your Business Ready for Artificial Intelligence?

    Posted by Category: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    In today’s competitive business environment, connecting with future customers and marketing your products can be a real challenge. Users have a limited amount of time and an increasing number of Read more

    A Guide to Building a Minimum Viable Software Product

    Posted by Category:

    In the past, the launch of a new product or business meant that it was 100% complete and fully operational. No one would have dreamed of deploying technology like an app with only its most basic Read more

    Data Privacy Laws Keep Getting Tougher: Here’s Why They Should Be Followed

    Posted by Category: GDPR, Data Security

    Data privacy is a branch of security that handles data consent, notice, and regulatory obligations. This tells you how data is collected or stored, whether or not it’s shared with third parties, and Read more

    How To Build A Successful Software Product

    Posted by Category:

    In the technology-driven world that we currently live in, can you imagine going through your day without some type of computer-related process, software, or application that powers at least one of Read more

    5 Tips to Build the Perfect Team for a Startup

    Posted by Category: Business Trends

    Putting together the right team of software developers for your technology startup often feels like a gamble. We have seen the pitfalls of hiring the wrong people, and even when you find the right Read more

    Why AI Is the Most Effective Growth Tool for Your Company

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence

    The digital economy we live and work in now is changing the way we do business. Companies have more efficient and powerful technology at their disposal than ever before thanks to digital Read more

    Why Smart Entrepreneurs Often Fail to Build Great Software, and What to Do About It.

    Posted by Category:

    Being an expert means knowing absolutely everything there is to know about a subject. You are the expert in your industry, and your business is sailing along, but when it comes to software Read more

    Artificial Intelligence Isn’t Just Disrupting Business, It’s Reinventing It

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Business Trends

    If you’ve read anything in the last five years about artificial intelligence (AI), two things become immediately apparent. One is that the term itself has moved beyond its original definition, often Read more

    How to Maintain Innovation in a Mid-size Company

    Posted by Category: Business Growth, Innovative

    Innovation is a key driver of growth and success. But how do you keep your team on the cutting edge? This article will help you understand the importance of innovation and give you some tips for Read more

    Top 10 Ways To Grow Your Startup Using Digital Transformation

    Posted by Category: Digital Transformation

    Transformative solutions are beginning to enter the workplace at a rapid pace, bringing the change companies need to thrive. Efficient collaboration between enterprises, better innovation within the Read more

    Top 10 Business Trends and How CEOs Can Keep Ahead in 2021

    Posted by Category: Business Trends

    Many business trends and innovations are brought about by technology each year. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated modern technology in a way that was not seen before. Unlike the dot-com Read more

    Top 12 Artificial Intelligence Technologies In Demand For 2021

    Posted by Category: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted the way we live and the technologies we have today. It has significantly affected nearly every industry and has made huge strides even in our society. The Read more

    How CEOs Can (And Should) Ensure The Success Of AI Initiatives In Their Companies

    Posted by Category: AI, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence, or simply AI, has been growing in popularity in the technology industry. AI continues to take center stage at conferences, displaying its potential in a wide range of Read more

    4 Elements of Digital Transformation, and Trends to Consider

    Posted by Category: AI, Digital Transformation, Business Trends

    Digital transformation has become a popular buzzword among CEOs, senior executives, business leaders, and entrepreneurs in the past several years. Everyone appears to have a story of how their Read more

    Creating a Successful Mobile App for Your Company

    Posted by Category: Apps, Mobile App Development

    Mobile applications, commonly called mobile apps, are software that have been developed for wireless mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. These apps are made with the features and Read more

    What the Beatles Could Learn from Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence

    For a long time, many people associated Artificial Intelligence with movie and TV generated images of human-robot hybrids that were bent on taking over the world. Contrary to this apocalyptic Read more

    Why Artificial Intelligence Is The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence

    The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is upon us. The global pandemic drastically changed consumer behavior, rapidly accelerating long-term trends in a matter of weeks. Almost instantly, Read more

    7 Traits Of Highly Innovative CEOs

    Posted by Category: Innovative

    Have you ever thought about how people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos were able to develop their companies from nothing into the most popular brands in the world? What makes these CEOs Read more

    Why Artificial Intelligence Will Make You Question Everything

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Humans are highly fallible and can be unreliable. They can create mistakes that can cost your business a lot, and you cannot just tell them to stop and rest easy that they will. Despite their Read more

    How To Build An Empire With Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: AI, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm. Today, AI has moved beyond something that only the top tech firms use to a tool that can essentially benefit businesses of all sizes and Read more

    How Artificial Intelligence Is Making The World A Better Place

    Posted by Category: AI, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    The global pandemic has halted the flow for many industries, but artificial intelligence continues to grow. Innovations have helped develop AI into one of the most useful tools in your arsenal. Many Read more

    20 Resources That’ll Make You Better At Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Do you find yourself interested in Artificial Intelligence? Perhaps you find Machine Learning to be a useful addition to your skillset? Whatever your reason may be, finding online resources for these Read more

    14 Common Misconceptions About Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence is one of the most useful yet misunderstood topics in the world today. There are countless myths and misconceptions about what AI is and what it can do. In this blog post, we Read more

    7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making With Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: AI, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the stuff of fiction decades ago, but each day more and more business leaders are gaining access to this technology. It is a branch of computer science in which Read more

    13 Things About Artificial Intelligence You May Not Have Known

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence

    In the past few years, AI (Artificial Intelligence) has gotten a lot of recognition, even through the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, there’s even more buzz in the technology industry regarding AI and the Read more

    7 Facts About Artificial Intelligence That Will Instantly Put You In A Good Mood

    Posted by Category: AI, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence

    After staying in the shadows for decades, artificial intelligence is now at the forefront of technology. Neural networks are evolving and gaining capabilities far beyond what they were capable of in Read more

    6 Facts About Artificial Intelligence That Will Impress Your Friends

    Posted by Category: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence has received a significant amount of attention over the past few years, particularly from people who have noticed its popularity and innovative nature. Many people use the Read more

    10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

    By now, you may have heard of how AI has been influencing many industries in the world. They are solving problems and creating numerous opportunities that were not possible before. There are many Read more

    The Evolution Of Artificial Intelligence

    Posted by Category: Big Data, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a huge topic recently. You will find tons of articles about machine learning (ML), neural networks, and the numerous things AI can do, such as deep fakes, speech Read more

    How To Broaden Your Company’s Reach Using Technology

    Posted by Category: AI

    Regardless of the industry that a business is in, the primary goal of any entrepreneur is always growth. Today, however, the biggest challenge is to figure out a feasible and cost-efficient way to Read more

    How Digital Transformation and Innovation Can Help Your Small Business Grow

    Posted by Category: Business Growth, Business Trends

    The past three decades have seen a rapid shift in the way we do business. The ’90s were a time of innovation in new technologies, specifically the internet, that kick-started the current Read more

    7 Mobile Growth Tips Your Competitors Don’t Want You to Know

    Posted by Category: Mobile App Development

    Our technology landscape continues to shift and evolve with every passing year. 58% of the world’s population are now online. That’s over four billion people on the internet, accessing information, Read more

    7 Business Benefits Of Outsourced Software Development

    Posted by Category:

    Today, outsourcing has become much more than just a buzzword. More entrepreneurs are looking outward when it comes to getting their business tasks in order, and are forgoing the option to hire Read more

    5 Things You Must Know Before You Hire A Mobile App Developer

    Posted by Category: Mobile App Development

    Mobile phones have since evolved into more than just a communication device. In today’s digital technology era, various mobile applications have been essential in many businesses’ day-to-day Read more

    5 Great Tips on Outsourcing Technology Vendors for Your Business

    Posted by Category: Business Growth, Business Trends

    For your business to survive, you must be able to embrace technology. Entrepreneurs and CEOs should take advantage of technology to help their businesses thrive in the ever-shifting consumer Read more

    How to Successfully Outsource PHP Development Projects

    Posted by Category:

    Whether your business is based on the internet or has an online presence to complement your offline work, your website is critical to your success. You don’t need to think about it all the time, but Read more

    The Top 5 PHP Frameworks for Building Software Products

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    The choice to hire PHP developers is a simple one, and choosing to outsource can create a smoother and higher-quality process. When you outsource PHP development, you have flexibility in the number Read more

    Handling Multiple Software Projects? How to Avoid Burnout

    Posted by Category:

    Running a technology company takes time, energy, and the focus to deliver your best every single day. But handling multiple software projects, developing technology, trying to meet deadlines, and Read more

    Stop slipping. Start shipping. How to ship your software projects on-time and on-budget without deadline slippage.

    Posted by Category: Business Trends

    Your company’s clients are the priority in everything you do. Their software projects — no matter how difficult or odd they might sometimes be — are always delivered with care and precision. Although Read more

    Unlocking Digital Trends for Business Success

    Posted by Category: Business Growth, Business Trends

    Technology for businesses has become somewhat of an arms race. The fact is, entrepreneurs need to use their digital transformation strategies as a weapon for growth. If businesses can acquire and Read more

    How To Make a Software Product That Actually Matters

    Posted by Category:

    Designing an amazing software application is considerably difficult. And those who have already dipped their toes in the creation of a digital product would agree wholeheartedly. Now more than ever, Read more

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