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7 Traits Of Highly Innovative CEOs

Have you ever thought about how people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos were able to develop their companies from nothing into the most popular brands in the world? What makes these CEOs unique compared to others? The answer to this lies in their ability to innovate past all of the obstacles and challenges.

The business landscape today is both tough and highly competitive. Everybody appears to have access to the same resources and skills as you.

In this kind of environment, companies that don’t innovate end up losing in their market. Take brands like Blockbuster, Kodak, and Blackberry for example. These companies failed to realize until it was too late that to remain successful, one needs to embrace technology and change.

An innovator thinks differently. They believe that equipping themself with the tools and resources to break the status quo and creating a setting that achieves growth are the keys to success.

Highly innovative CEOs share several common traits among themselves. The following are the characteristics of these leaders.

1. Demonstrate Curiosity

Innovative leaders are curious individuals. They display an underlying curiosity with the desire to learn more. These CEOs will actively take initiative in order to learn about new details, demonstrating engagement and loyalty to business objectives.

Keeping their knowledge and skills updated gives these leaders the competitive advantage required for effective leadership. It also helps stimulate other workers to come up with new ways of thinking.

To develop curiosity, CEOs have to:

  • Assess their existing knowledge and skills. Analyze how their abilities can help achieve the company’s long-term objectives. Consider what other knowledge or skills can help move the organization in this direction.
  • Examine setbacks and mistakes to stimulate new thinking and opportunities for learning. Errors allow you to look at yourself and consider your limitations. By studying behavioral patterns, you can recognize and make changes that repeatedly result in miscalculations or mistakes.
  • Encourage developmental activities such as participating in workshops and classes.
  • Create an environment or community for learning to promote the free flow of new perspectives and knowledge.

2. They are Courageous

Highly innovative CEOs display leadership with authority and confidence. They transform difficult circumstances into opportunities where they can demonstrate their decisive actions. Additionally, they take responsibility for hard decision making.

Such leaders can engage and maintain the attention of their audience during meetings and discussions. They also do not avoid differences of opinion or conflict.

Leaders who wish to lead more courageously should:

  • Identify and face risks, consider alternatives, and prepare to deal with reactions when faced with a tough decision.
  • Look for opportunities to share opinions and feelings.
  • Learn to identify and appreciate leadership abilities in others.

3. They Seize Opportunities

Innovative leaders are able to anticipate possible obstacles before they take action, yet avoid over-analyzing situations. They strive for personal performance and can work on their own with minimal support.

CEOs who wish to become better at grabbing opportunities need to:

  • Learn how to identify advantages in developing situations.
  • Consider opportunities that were declined previously.
  • Work towards collaborative effort by asking valued employees for help.

4. They can Manage Risks

An innovative leader is bold in regards to trying out new approaches but they also initiate reasonable actions when there are potential negative consequences expected. When risks are present, these leaders create plans to minimize them.

CEOs can become better in risk management by preparing for risks beforehand and standardizing best practices in their industry. They should also minimize overthinking the possible risks in every decision. Proceed with the decision if you can live with its potential consequences.

5. Retain a Strategic Business Outlook

Innovative leaders are also good at maintaining a strategic business outlook. These CEOs display an in-depth understanding of trends in their industry and the implications they have for their companies.

They have a thorough understanding of their organization, marketplace, and customer base and are excellent at identifying strategic opportunities and threats to the business.

These leaders also have the ability to come up with convincing approaches that can move their company forward.

Having a strong orientation towards customers is an ideal starting point for developing a strategic marketplace outlook in leaders. The key here is to identify early-career employees who consider the perspective of customers before making decisions. Such individuals can become future innovators.

Smart CEOs can expose these customer-centric workers to strategic projects and to activities that touch on customer experience. These actions can help groom them into innovators who can assist in the long run.

6. They Stay Competitive

Another trait of highly innovative CEOs is that they know that innovation is not a one-and-done deal. These individuals consistently put effort in trying to go above the praises and beyond their achievements to stay competitive.

They do not hesitate to break traditional norms when needed and continuously think out of the box. These leaders know that spending too much of their time following conventional business metrics can restrict them from completing significant milestones.

7. Willingness to Change Their Team

Lastly, top CEOs have shown a willingness to carry out changes to their leadership teams. Companies that are not afraid to change their officer groups may experience better performance both for short-term and long-term goals.

As for innovations concerning their business model, CEOs have to be ready to place all of their options on the table. Since transformations are usually comprehensive, it is vital to set up a leadership team that has the expertise your company needs to be successful.


Being an innovative leader is necessary for a business to have a major breakthrough. However, doing so can be difficult if you lack the characteristics mentioned above.

The good news is that these qualities can be taught and learned. Anyone can master anything through willingness, hard work, and dedication.

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