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Creating a Successful Mobile App for Your Company

Mobile applications, commonly called mobile apps, are software that have been developed for wireless mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. These apps are made with the features and limitations of mobile devices in mind.

While some mobile devices have pre-installed apps, users can choose to download more through platforms like Google Play and Apple App Store. Google Play has the largest amount of app downloads worldwide with 21.3 billion apps downloaded in 2019. The Apple app store reigns supreme in consumer spending, accounting for 64% of worldwide consumer spending for all app stores.

Gaming applications are the most popular category for Apple users. Meanwhile, communication, video players, and editing tools are the leading categories for Android. Experts predict that mobile apps will generate 935 billion US dollars through in-app advertising and paid downloads by 2023.

The top companies in the world include China’s Toutiao and ByteDance, which have an estimated value of 75 billion dollars. In the United States, Uber, We Work, and Juul Labs are the leaders with an estimated 72, 47, and 29 billion dollars valuation respectively.

Considerations in Creating a Successful Mobile App

When deciding to invest in mobile applications, there are several things to consider before giving the green light.

Although these apps have become essential in improving brand presence in any industry, this does not mean you should just hire any developer. You first have to analyze several aspects before funding the project.

Here are 7 important things to consider when building a mobile app.

1. Identify Your Audience

The very first step in developing a useful application is to research and understand your target audience. This step is not only about demographics but also focuses on user behavior.

Begin by working with the team to identify the following details:

  • Audience country of origin
  • Average age of the audience
  • App topic
  • App intent

You can use tools like Google AdWords and Google Trends to help you decide if you are not sure. After compiling this data, websites such as Statista can provide which operating systems and devices the target audience uses most based on their demographics.

2. Get the Development Team Involved

There are different ways to develop a mobile application depending on the intended device and operating system. Various app stores also have different requirements to launch an app there.

That is why the development team has to be involved as early in the process as possible to ensure that the desired concept can reach the target users effectively. Doing so not only saves on cost but also improves efficiency.

A mobile app development team should assist you in deciding and determining which approach is best for:

  • Device performance and optimization: Is the application going to function well on an Android, iPhone, or tablet? What limitations does each device option have? Do these coincide with the devices your target users are currently using?
  • App security: An experienced development team is going to evaluate the proposed devices and applications for safety. They determine if you need to invest in efficient transport layer protection, strong server-side controls, appropriate binary protections, and proper device storage. All these elements ensure that you and your users are not vulnerable to malware and hacking.
  • Operating system performance: Whether your app is on Android, iOS, or both, your development team should know operating system security guides and code samples to make sure the organization stays updated. Since iOS optimization is more complicated than Android, the development team needs to consider this when creating a security plan.
  • API security: Application programming interfaces, or APIs, are needed by mobile applications to communicate between software components. Development teams need to double-check the security features and options for each API.

Additionally, the development team should be knowledgeable about how to build an app through agile methodologies. Every part of app development should incorporate an agile development process to ensure accurate and rapid design and release events. The approach also provides enhanced cohesion and communication between the company and the project team.

3. Testing Is Very Important

Creating a mobile app that is user-friendly and secure is no easy task. Testing is necessary as it is part of the quality assurance process, which means the development of the app could take longer.

This is another reason to involve a development team as early as possible in the process. Publishing a buggy app and deciding to fix it later costs more and leads to a lengthier project. Meanwhile, launching an app that is not yet ready for the user can lead to trust and adoption issues.

No matter the type of app being developed, the team should have a stringent quality assurance approach. This should include testing of the unit, integration, system, acceptance, performance, security, compatibility, and usability.

4. Be Prepared for Updates and Maintenance

Once your app is published, it will still need constant updates and maintenance. Involving the development team in the maintenance process can help you address various challenges and issues, such as:

  • Emergencies: Is your app offline without a clear reason? Since your development team built the software, they should easily detect and fix any issues right away.
  • New user requirements: Any update in functionality can make the app more enjoyable and rewarding to use. Experienced developers can complete modifications and perform useful changes to the source code without affecting overall app behavior.
  • Hardware adaptations: Mobile apps have to stay compatible with operating systems and devices. Maintaining an ongoing relationship with a skilled development team ensures compatibility with the latest Android or Apple modifications.
  • Fault fixes: Almost every app will have a bug that users will notice. Setting up a regular maintenance plan ensures experts are always available in case design or code logic changes have to be made to resolve an issue.

5. Staying Lean and Agile

A lean and agile mobile development team will guarantee that users always experience low mobile data usage, fast loading times, and quick accessibility with app details. Lean methodologies also help by:

  • Removing wasteful features prior to publishing
  • Building the best quality user experience before hitting the market
  • Following an approach by optimizing the whole process rather than improve individual features

Meanwhile, agile methodologies ensure the following:

  • Both customer and user satisfaction remains the top priority
  • The pace of development is rapid but sustainable
  • The focus stays on technical excellence throughout the development process
  • The mobile app provides solutions in the smoothest way possible

6. Be Aware of the Competition

Although you need to create an app that provides for the benefits of the user, a company also has to study their competition. Researching competitors allows them to determine the type of software they are developing, why they make them, and how they follow-through with the process.

Create a list of brand competitors and look for their apps on Google Play and App Store. Give their apps a try, read their reviews, and study what parts of the experience users enjoy.

Armed with this information, you can better adapt your application to not only match your competition but also to serve the target audience better.


7. Monetizing the App

At the end of the day, the primary reason for creating a mobile application is to monetize it. Brands must consider their budget and maintenance expenses for their application. They also have to analyze the methods that can help them generate revenue from their users.

Many apps today incorporate banner, native, video, and text ads to generate revenue. Although this approach does not force users to buy the app, it can create pauses or distractions on their end.


For example, users who are using an app may need to wait 15 seconds to watch an ad before they can continue. Some users can be frustrated with this approach but it does not necessarily deter them if the overall experience is of good quality.

Free Limited Access

Some apps provide freemium access wherein the app can be used within certain limits but has to be upgraded to provide full access. This pay-to-use approach allows users to give software a try without being charged, while those who enjoy the experience can pay up and continue.


Paid Premium Items

Mobile game developers are excellent at monetizing in-app purchases by way of game credits and character unlocks. Although not everyone engages with this approach, it can be an effective method to attract users to enjoy more of your app.

Pay to Install

One of the riskiest options is the app install. Not all users are going to be enticed in spending money on your software if they cannot try it. However, apps that have high user reviews from those who have already experienced it can encourage people to spend money. Creating a niche audience is necessary to succeed here.

Discuss with your app development team which monetization approach you should adopt as it can help budget update and maintenance costs. A discussion can also give you in-depth strategies on how you can keep users engaged while encouraging them to make in-app purchases.

Tips in Choosing a Mobile App Development Agency

It is easy to decide to have a mobile application made for your business. The hard part is settling on the right company to handle the job. Although there are many app development agencies out there, not all of them can build an app to your satisfaction.

Here are some tips to help you choose the best mobile developer for your needs.

Experience Is a Must

Avoid making the mistake of investing in a mobile app company that has little or no experience in the field. It is crucial to learn what level of experience they have since some agencies specialize in creating static apps but not dynamic software.

Experience is very important particularly when you are looking to design and build a custom application. Mobile application development is complicated and it requires in-depth understanding and expertise to be successful in this field. Problem-solving skills and creativity can be acquired through experience.

Verify Background and Portfolio

Most mobile app companies can provide past sample works and they show these to potential clients that inquire about their services. However, you should not rely on these works alone.

Ask them about case studies including client testimonials. These reviews are going to provide more clarity regarding the company you are dealing with at the moment.

You can even contact their past clients to get first-hand information about their experience. Companies that are confident in their capabilities are willing to connect you with their previous customers. This allows you to get a basic idea concerning their mobile app development expertise.

You should also research their development schemes, the type of technology they apply, and their delivery milestones.

Determine If They Have the Right Team

Check to see whether or not the mobile app development firm has a reliable team that can take on your work. Reputable mobile app companies have the following experts in their team:

  • Dedicated project manager
  • Designers
  • Developers
  • UI/UX specialists
  • Testers
  • Quality assurance analysts

Technical Support

Does the company have a reliable technical support team that is available around the clock? There will always be problems with a mobile app, especially when it is first launched. That is why having a team that can iron out any issues whenever needed is essential.

Problems such as technical concerns, bugs, and new feature roll-outs need to be addressed quickly so that users can continue using the application. Some users may also provide sensible and constructive feedback which may require a re-launch. That is why having technical support at the ready is necessary.

A mobile app development company that is not forthcoming on this aspect is not an agency you want to work with.


Mobile applications are on the rise and businesses that want to keep up with their competition have to start leveraging scalable technology sooner or later. With these considerations in mind, you now have the knowledge to lead a mobile app development team towards the right path.

The tips that have been provided are also important as these can help you identify the right mobile app developer for your needs.
