Why Smart Entrepreneurs Often Fail to Build Great Software, and What to Do About It.

Being an expert means knowing absolutely everything there is to know about a subject. You are the expert in your industry, and your business is sailing along, but when it comes to software development, you need an expert in the field. Whether you want to build mobile apps for Android or iOS or develop SaaS software for your clients, you need a specialist.
An app developer with years of experience or a software developer at the top of their game is the best option for you. Just as you are the expert in what you do, they are the experts in what they do. If you need to develop any kind of software, software outsourcing is the best option.

Your years of business school, internships, and job experiences have helped make you the entrepreneur you are today. Without each element leading to your career in business, you wouldn’t be an expert. Software developers have been through the same training, but in the area that they are an expert in.
Your business school gave you all the tools to form your company, manage it, and bring in clients. For software developers, a different set of skills is needed as well as a different education program.
For them, all of those years you spent learning to be a great CEO were spent coding and becoming great programmers. You know how valuable your academic education was and how critical it now is to your success, just as their education is for their success.
To be a successful developer, you need the specialized education that makes you qualified for the job. By using software outsourcing for your company, you are bringing on a team member with the right education and qualifications for the job.
Work Experience
From your first job to the business you are running now, every bit of work experience has added value to your career and expertise to your knowledge base. However, that knowledge is in your area of expertise. You don’t have the expertise to manage and do your own software development.
Instead, software outsourcing gives you the expertise of an app developer or programmer with the right work experience. Just as your first jobs and years of experience helped you become the businessperson you are today, their work experience has helped form them into an expert in their field.
The Intangibles
All of the internships and connections you have made over your career helped you build the network and experience that can’t be quantified using salary alone. Those intangibles make you great at what you do, and unfortunately, they don’t apply to software development.
An app developer that interned in a top tech firm or spent the summer teaching coding has the intangible experience that makes them the perfect choice for your company. Software outsourcing gives you access to experts with the kind of intangible experience that you can never gain if you are not a software developer.
The Obstacle

The challenge you face is how to develop your software projects quickly and cost-effectively. You need to do this without having the education or experience to help you. Should you try to teach yourself quickly and do a subpar job? There may be too many factors standing in your way.
It takes a lot of time to become good at something, let alone great. If you want to deliver the best product and develop software that will multiply your revenues, you’re going to need to be great at software development.
You don’t have that kind of time, because you need to spend your time managing your company and making sure everything is on track. All of your time is precious, and trying to master a brand new skill with a high level of difficulty is not the right way to spend your time.
You love to work, and you would work all the time if you could, but everyone has their limit. After five meetings, hundreds of emails, and difficult decisions all day long, you don’t have extra energy to spare.
If you do, you want to spend that energy having fun, spending time with family, and hanging out with friends. You need to budget your energy the same way you manage your company’s finances. Space things out, and don’t take on too much at the same time.
Software outsourcing allows you to direct and instruct someone to do the job for you without taking more of your precious energy. Instead of taking more on and being tired, you can hire someone else and let them carry the workload.
The Fix

Any developer at the top of their game can solve the problems you are having with software development. Software outsourcing gives you access to a range of developers with different skills in the exact area you need.
Software-as-a-service, or SaaS, is an extremely popular format and business model now. Instead of selling some software once and waiting for your client to upgrade, they can pay for a subscription and receive the software as a service. Your clients pay every month, not just once.
Building a successful SaaS platform requires specific education and training that take years to attain. Instead of spending years studying and practicing, you need to hire an outsource developer who already has the knowledge and practice.
Mobile apps are the best, most widely distributed, and most profitable formats for software. Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, and most of them are addicted to them. To tap into that market, your company needs an app that handles all of your clients’ needs.
App development, whether for Android or iOS takes a different skill set that requires training and new knowledge as well. Since you will need to learn new languages and how to use new development platforms, the learning curve is even steeper.
An app developer with a few projects under their belt and expertise to make your vision a reality will solve all your development problems. There’s no need to stress yourself out and start doing more than you can handle. Hire someone that can handle it for you.
Software designed for any tailor-made purpose is a difficult thing to make. Whether you are developing something for internal use or a client-facing program that will make their experience with your company smoother, you are not the right person to bring your vision to life.
Software development is a multi-step, multifaceted process.
First, a developer needs to take in their client’s needs, understand their vision, and plan how to make it a reality. Turning someone else’s vision for software into reality is difficult because they have something in their imagination that will work and look a certain way. Being able to make something from a simple description takes years of practice.
Once they have their plan, they need to spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours developing a purpose-built piece of software that will do exactly what the client wants. The combination of intake and development skills a seasoned software developer uses takes specialized training and education that you don’t have time to acquire.
As you know, efficiency is all about doing things as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality standards. You know that running a company requires delegation to achieve efficiency. If you don’t delegate, you have to do everything yourself. While you might be able to do most of it, it will take a lot longer and might not be up to the quality standards that both you and your clients expect.
To achieve efficiency in software development, you need software outsourcing. Software outsourcing allows you to increase efficiency by delegating your tasks to someone else and focusing on things you can do yourself.
If you don’t delegate, you won’t be able to get anything done, especially in highly-specialized areas like software development. Delegating to a software outsourcing company is the best solution.
Become Efficient With Software Development

Find a company you can trust with the experience and expertise to do the job the right way.
Tech.us is a software outsourcing company with developers who have the education and experience to make your vision a reality.
With a free consultation, you can get an idea of how we operate and whether we are the right fit for you. Our developers are competent, but more importantly, they are knowledgeable enough to understand exactly what you are looking for.
If you need to micromanage the project, there is no point in delegating at all. We take a project on and then deliver it on time without needing anything in the middle. You can set the parameters once, and then leave it.
Don’t wait any longer. Call us today!